
在比萨, the study of history is an invitation to unravel the intricacies of our world—its political boundaries, 经济系统, 社会结构, 文化习俗

students sit on the grass in a cirle on the mounds during a study session


  • Investigate the world's development through a critical lens drawing on varied perspectives and subjects. 
  • 找到你的利基并探索它. As a 历史 major, you will choose a theme or topic that interests you to focus on and research. Past students have explored gender and colonialism, knowledges and sciences, and labor and economics. 主题的可能性是无限的. 
  • 你可以使用克莱蒙特学院的资源, 尤其是Mudd-Honnold图书馆唾手可得. Dive into the thousands of primary and secondary sources available to you via the library’s books, 数据库, 杂志, 档案收藏.  



  • 文学学士






Dana Brozost-Kelleher的大头照
“Pitzer teaches you to read history from multiple perspectives and question everything you read–that has been very valuable in investigative 杂志ism.”

16岁的Dana Brozost-Kelleher






  1. The chronology of world events and when they took place in relation to each other.
  2. 如何审视和批判流行的历史叙事.
  3. 如何区分一手资料和二手资料,以及如何使用它们.
  4. How primary and secondary sources of information shape historical narratives.
  5. 如何写一篇历史文章, 用你自己的观点, that successfully presents and defends your argument clearly and successfully.
  6. How to communicate ideas clearly in a classroom environment via presentations and discussions. 





A major in 历史 requires the successful completion of at least 11 courses in 历史. 

1. 11门必修课程必须包括以下入门课程:

  • HIST 011 PZ - 1492年以来的世界 
  • 历史012 pz -人文科学史
  • Either HIST 025 PZ – US 历史 Before 1877 or HIST 026 PZ – Modern US 历史 Since 1877.

2. 要有历史专业指导老师的同意, students may substitute one of the following courses for HIST 025 PZ/HIST 026 PZ mentioned above: 

  • HIST 017 CH -介绍墨西哥人和拉丁人的历史
  • 自1877年以来的非裔美国人历史
  • HIST 125aa -亚裔美国人历史简介

It is preferable that students take these required introductory courses during their first two years at the College. 

3. In addition to the three introductory courses, students must also complete:

  • HIST 197 PZ – The Seminar in 历史, (normally taken in the junior year or fall of the senior year).
  • At least one (1) course focusing on a geographic region outside of the United States and Europe. 在匹泽商学院,满足这一要求的课程包括:
  • HIST024 PZ – Colonialism in Africa; HIST 045 PZ – West African 历史 through Novels and Film; HIST 144 PZ – Death and Dying in African 历史; HIST169 PZ – Globalization and Oceania, 和HIST 170 PZ -混合身份:西班牙帝国. Certain courses offered at the other Claremont Colleges also may fulfill this requirement; students should consult with a 历史 major adviser in selecting appropriate courses.

4. 至少有一门(1)课程必须聚焦于1600年以前的时间. 在Pitzer,满足这一要求的课程包括:

  • CLAS 164 PZ – Pompeii and the Cities of Vesuvius HIST 073 PZ – The Problem with Profit;HIST074 PZ – Queering the Medieval?; HIST 170 PZ – Hybrid Identities: Spanish Empire; HIST 173 PZ – Religion, 暴力与宽容, 1450–1650; HIST 175 PZ – Magic, 大西洋世界的异端与性别, 1400–1700; and HIST178 PZ Queer and Feminist Histories of Early Modern Europe, 1350–1650. Certain courses offered at the other Claremont Colleges also may fulfill this requirement; students should consult with a history major adviser in selecting appropriate courses.

5. 学生还必须选修五(5)门额外的历史课程.

6. 最后, each student is expected to develop a coherent thematic or topical focus comprised of at least three (3) courses in history; of these three courses, 至少有一项必须涉及发表一篇重要的研究论文. An asterisk before the course number indicates that the course contains a significant research component. 

例如, a student might construct a thematic focus on science and the environment by taking Ecological 历史, 冷战时期喀麦隆的自然灾害, 以及近代早期世界的科学技术. Many other configurations are possible; students should consult with their history major advisers in developing appropriate thematic clusters.

While the history major does not require the study of a foreign language, students are strongly encouraged to develop language skills relevant to their thematic or topical foci. 希望攻读历史专业研究生课程的学生(美国历史专业除外).S. history) are especially urged to acquire a competence in a relevant language as early as possible.


总绩点等于或超过3分的学生.可获历史系提名撰写论文, 哪一个会被实地小组考虑为荣誉. Courses taken in order to write honors theses (typically HIST 199 PZ) will be counted as additions to the 11 courses required for the major.


Students must complete the requirements for both majors, including any theses or honors requirements. Normally, no more than two courses can be counted to fulfill the requirements in both fields.


The history minor requires the student to complete six (6) graded courses in 历史. These must include at least two (2) of the following courses: HIST 011 PZ , 历史012 pz, 和HIST025 PZ或HIST 026 PZ. Students should consult with a member of the history field group to design a topical focus for the minor.



This fund will support student-centered history activities such as student/faculty research projects, 演讲嘉宾, 研讨会, 课程发展活动, 学生讨论历史的社会活动, 以及社区外展工作.


和谐的肖像o' ourke


  • 历史学教授
  • 字段组


  • 彼得和格洛丽亚·金历史教授
  • 字段组


  • 历史学教授
  • 字段组


  • 历史学副教授
  • 字段组




Our interdisciplinary 美国研究 program explores the vibrant and complex culture of the United States

  • 文学学士


Our program takes an expansive view of the field: We explore the diverse cultures of the ancient Mediterranean region and how later interpretations of the ancient world shape our views of the past and of ourselves

  • 文学学士


挑战你的假设——学习人类学. 学习种族之类的话题, gender, food, and the environment in our Sociolcultural Track or focus on Human Evolution, 考古, & 物质文化:研究文化多样性和物质对象. 参与研究以深入了解不同的文化.

  • 文学学士